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Edit Window Vista Security Properties

Follow these instructions for setting the Windows Vista security on the xcomp folder so that newer version Omnis Studio external components can be downloaded, installed, and updated on a Windows Vista computer.

  1. Click the Windows Vista Start menu icon and then click Computer in the start menu. .


  2. Double-click the Vista (C:) icon.


  3. Double-click the Program Files icon.


  4. Double-click the Raining Data icon.


  5. Right-click the xcomp icon and select Properties in the context menu.


  6. Click the Security tab in the xcomp Properties window.
  7. Select the line that begins with Users in the Groups or user names list in the top half of the window. Then click the Edit button.


  8. Select the line that begins with Users in the Groups or user names list in the top half of the Permissions for xcomp window. Then click the Allow checkbox of the Full Control line in the Permissions for Users in the lower half of the window.


  9. Click the Apply button in the Permissions for xcomp window.
  10. Click the OK button to close the window.
  11. Click the OK button in the xcomp Properties window to close the window.
You should now be able to download, install, and update external components in the Omnis Studio external components folder on Windows Vista.